Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Fedora 8 Live CD

Just installed Fedora 8 from Live CD because the computer I'm using does not have a DVD drive. I sent the hardware profile to the Fedora team, so hopefully they'll bring back the multiple CD installation. Anyways, after installing it, I could not set my network to using static IP. Even after using "system-config-network" to change everything and restarting my eth0, the IP remained DHCP. It turn out that there was a new daemon named NetworkManager. I don't know if it is only included with the Live CD or not, but that thing overrides all that stuff in /etc/sysconfig/network*. So, I turned off NetworkManager by using

chkconfig NetworkManager off

That disabled the use of DHCP.

Friday, November 2, 2007

How to copy directory

How to copy directory structure (without copying files)

cd [source]

find [source] -type d -print | sed s/[source]/[destination]/ | xargs mkdir

Substitute [source] and [destination] with the appropriate values, of course.


"-type d" finds all the directories

"-print" prints the directories

"-sed s/[source]/[destination]" substitutes source path with destination path

"xargs" runs a command on each word of input (be careful if your filename contains spaces)